Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Four Generations

When Claire's Mum and Nana visited inthe middle of March, all 4 Generations were together! Here is Ruby with her Great Nana (or simply "Great " as the other 2 call her!) .....
......and Ruby with her Nana, Claire's Mum.

Sunday, 27 April 2008

Olivia and Madaline's Christening........

On the 2nd of March, Claire and I were Godparents at the Christening of Madeline and Olivia, twin daughters of Karen and Luigi (Karen is an old work colleague of Claire from Bath). It was also their first birthday, hence the cake which Luigi made (and was up until 1-30am the night before finishing it!) As you can see Emilie adores them, and so does Jakob in his own way! Some pictures from the day........